Friday 24 February 2017

Frost Wolf Pup is Cute

So a while ago... eh apparently like 5 years ago (has it really been that long since I looked at this blog? Sigh, my life), I posted photos of the Griffin and Wind Rider World of Warcraft plushies.

So on the same theme, here's a photo of my latest Wow companion:

Yes, the cuteness is real :)

There are a range of in-game frost wolf pups to collect. These were all from the Warlords expansion I think. I'm a bit late in getting around to posting this hey. Still, cute is cute.

Cinder pup

Fel Pup
Nether pup

Frost wolf pup
Ghost pup

Sorry, in my in game photography skills are pretty lame, so I was trying to sit near each pet and then crop myself out of the photos. So all the pics are different sizes and now I can't line them up on this page. So I'm sure there are better ways to achieve it, but whatevs, it is what it is.
I've added the Wowhead links for each pup so you can find where to get them. The plushie you can get through the Blizzard store, or some retailers depending on where you live.

Once you have one in game, try summoning and emote /dance
Feel the cuteness overload.

An awesome resource for WoW pet info (in case you somehow don't know about it) is Warcraft Pets
Check it out for specifics of everything pet related. The creator of the site, Breanni, was even made into a pet vendor in Dalaran. How cool is that?

Happy pet collecting everyone :)

Ghost Moose

Hisashiburi, my old blog. It's certainly been awhile.

I was recently inspired to start posting again. Or at least to make one new post. Just to see if this blog still functions.

Since the archaeology mount that we've all been waiting for since the start of Legion finally dropped for me this week, so I thought I should at least post this:

Yes my dodgy level 30 Rogue is overjoyed as you can see.

<3 Ghost Moose

Here's the how to Ghost Moose on Wowhead


To add the spirit of Huln Highmountain's moose to your mounts, you need to be level 110 (but apparently you don't need to be max archaeology). You basically pick up a quest in Dalaran that sends you to get a quest in High Mountain that asks for 600 bone fragments that drop 1-3 at a time from archaeology dig sites in High Mountain. There is an occasional dude that spawns and drops 10-15 fragments too. It took me around 3 hours to complete. When you have your 600 fragments, just turn in, watch a short bit of rpg, collect your moose, and do a little happy dance.

Good Hunting :)