Tuesday 28 August 2012

Cute TV - My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

My Little Ponies, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic cartoon, MLP: FIM, where to buy DVDs, figures, gift sets, online.

I love My Little Ponies

I have had various iterations of these ponies since I was little, and I have two on my desk as I write this.

Wysteria and Strawberry Surprise
My little desk ponies: Wysteria and Strawberry Surprise

But if you have seen any My Little Ponies in the stores recently, you may be wondering what has happened. Gone are the cute, slightly rotund models, and in their place are a new range of thin, long-legged ponies.

At first, I was confused: had my beloved little ponies developed anorexia just like the poor super models and hollywood stars that we see struggling down the catwalks and red carpets looking as though they haven't eaten in a year?
I was genuinely outraged for a time. Toys and popular culture have a huge influence on our perceptions and beliefs. I did not want to believe that the ponies could be helping to brainwash our children into believing thin is better.

Thankfully, though I do still have some issues with the new look ponies (I honestly think the older ponies are much cuter), I soon found out that the new look ponies are modeled on the latest cartoon adaptation of the franchise: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (or MLP: FIM).

Almost all was forgiven when I then found out that MLP:FIM is made by some of the people responsible for the utterly amazing and wonderful cartoon: The Powerpuff Girls. The graphics and the look of the ponies started to make more sense in that context, and the style of the cartoon is quite reminiscent of  PPG.

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, does not disappoint. It is cute, fun, and teaches valuable lessons about friendship. What's not to love?

Seriously, I cannot recommend this show enough. I have watched the first season and am completely addicted.

I do hope they bring back the old look ponies though. In my opinion the world would be a better place if we had the ponies we know and love together with the cartoon inspired ones.

Cmon everybody: Group Hug!!

From Season 1: Episode 23

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